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Patient Assistance Information

Cetylite Industries, Inc

PO Box 90006
Pennsauken,, NJ 08110
Phone : 800-257-7740
Fax: 856-665-5408
> This is an informal program; decisions are made on a case-by-case basis.
Who Can Apply
> The doctor/doctor's office must write a letter on letterhead stating the patient's need, lack of prescription coverage and attach a prescription.
Ship To
> Doctor's office
> The doctor/doctor's office must write a letter on letterhead stating the patient's need, lack of prescription coverage and attach a prescription.
Includes Support for This Drug
NOTE: Linked drugs are available for Prescribers to Apply Online now.
Click drug logo or drug name to start online application.
Cetacaine Aerosol Spray
Cetacaine Gel
Cetacaine Liquid